Conseil Supérieur de l'Education, de la Formation et de la Recherche Scientifique
Angle avenues Allal El Fassi et Al Melia – Hay Riad (RABAT-Maroc)
Tél : (+212) 05 37 77 44 25
Email: contact@csefrs.ma
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Gary Mesibov, Auteur ; Marie Howley, Auteur ; Signe Naftel, Auteur | Londre, New York : Routledge | 2016This brand new edition of Accessing the Curriculum for Learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorders will provide educators with the principles and practices of Structured Teaching and how to apply these to enable learners to access the curriculum, [...]![]()
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Based on extensive research, Addressing Tensions and Dilemmas in Inclusive Education presents a contemporary and critical analysis of the interaction between different perspectives and positions in the field of inclusive education. Referring [...]![]()
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Adult Education and Lifelong Learning is the most widely used text about adult education. Fully revised and updated with substantial additional material, this new edition takes account of many changes which have occurred in the field of adult e[...]![]()
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This book is designed to give parents and teachers information on the alternative education options available in the UK. It covers three main areas: Outside the state system: small schools; Steiner Waldorf schools; Montessori schools; democratic[...]![]()
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This fully updated, fourth edition of An Introduction to the Study of Education provides a comprehensive and reflective introduction to the study of education, inviting students to question what education is, who it is for and what purpose it se[...]![]()
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In this insightful text, the editors reflect on contributions from scholars representing Bangladesh, Greece, India, Israel, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK and USA, by showing how the majority of educational and social institutions in both develope[...]![]()
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Runner up in Teach Secondary's Technology and Innovation Awards 2014 sponsored by Lego, Brilliant Ideas for using ICT in the Inclusive Classroom provides lots of simple practical ideas showing teachers and support staff how they can use ICT to b[...]![]()
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Despite the vast differences between the Right and the Left over the role of education in the production of inequality one common element both sides share is a sense that education can and should do something about society, to either restore wha[...]![]()
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Assessment is a key area of interest and debate in education. Its increased use by governments as a powerful means of influencing educational practice are now features of the educational scene worldwide. This volume was the first major internati[...]![]()
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Walter Omar Kohan, Auteur | Londre, New York : Routledge | New Directions in the Philosophy of Education | 2015This book explores the idea of a child like education and offers critical tools to question traditional forms of education, and alternative ways to understand and practice the relationship between education and childhood. Engaging with the work [...]![]()
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This book is divided into four parts. In Part One the author considers the natural factors which have influenced the various national systems of education. They comprise racial, linguistic, geographical and economic factors. In Part Two he consi[...]![]()
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Now fully updated to reflect recent changes in the curriculum, Computing and ICT in the Primary School encourages teachers, and pupils, to realise the potential of a full range of ICT and computing resources. Tackling computing head on, this boo[...]![]()
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Kyriaki Messiou, Auteur | Londre, New York : RoutledgeOne of the key challenges facing schools today is that of reducing marginalisation amongst pupils in educational contexts. This timely book provides guidance and illustrative examples of the ways in which primary and secondary schools can includ[...]![]()
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Curricula for Teaching Children and Young People with Severe or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties offers a range of compelling arguments for a distinct and separate pedagogical approach to the learning needs of the most educationally c[...]![]()
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Debating Special Education is a provocative yet timely book examining a range of criticisms made of special education in recent years. Michael Farrell analyses several key debates in special education giving balanced critical responses to inform[...]
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