Conseil Supérieur de l'Education, de la Formation et de la Recherche Scientifique
Angle avenues Allal El Fassi et Al Melia – Hay Riad (RABAT-Maroc)
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Manon Hébert, Auteur ; Lizanne Lafontaine, Auteur | Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec | Collection Éducation intervention | 2010Dans cet ouvrage collectif, les auteurs proposent des pratiques et des outils pédagogiques concrets favorisant le développement des compétences en littératie chez les élèves du préscolaire au secondaire dans une perspective d'inclusion![]()
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In this Collected Works, Professor Peter Mittler brings together twenty-one of his key writings in one essential volume, providing a distinctive commentary on some of the most important issues in education over the last thirty years. This uniqu[...]![]()
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Danielle Zay, Directeur de publication | Paris : Presses universitaires de France | éducation et formation | impr. 2005![]()
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Christina Tilstone, Auteur ; Lani Florian, Auteur ; Richard Rose, Auteur | Londre, New York : Routledge | 2016Current policy demands that mainstream schools seek to include pupils with special educational needs. This book takes a close look at how exactly this aim can be achieved by examining the various parts of the educational process. The book discus[...]![]()
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Luigi Berlinguer, Auteur ; Carla Guetti, Collaborateur ; François Dubet, Préfacier, etc. ; Anaïs Bouteille-Bokobza, Traducteur | Paris : Éditions Fabert | impr. 2017(Texte provisoire) Ré-inventer l'école Présentation Dans le monde en pleine mutation que nous connaissons, l'Ecole ne joue plus le rôle qu'on attend d'elle. Ce n'est ni un changement, ni une restauration qu'il faut entreprendre : il convient d[...]![]()
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Informed by research undertaken on the reality of developing inclusive practices in schools, and years of practitioner experience in the field of education, Reconsidering Inclusion shows how staff’s social and emotional relationships can sustain[...]![]()
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Christine Philip, Directeur de publication ; Ghislain Magerotte, Directeur de publication ; Jean-Louis Adrien, Directeur de publication | Paris : Dunod | Enfances | DL 2012La pédagogie de l'inclusion abolit toute forme d'exclusion et ne propose d'autres modalités de scolarisation pour les élèves handicapés que celles en vigueur dans les classes ordinaires, quelle que soit la gravité du handicap. C'est l'école ordi[...]![]()
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How teachers might best be prepared to work in schools with an increasingly diverse pupil population is of concern to educational academics, professionals and governments around the world. Changes that have taken place in legislation and practic[...]![]()
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Heterogeneous classes including students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are increasingly becoming fixtures of the twenty-first century school. As a result, the question of how to devise more effective, innovative and diverse tools has pose[...]![]()
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Should disabled students be in regular classrooms all of the time or some of the time? Is the regular school or the special school or both the solution for educating students with a wide range of differences? Inclusive education has been incorpo[...]![]()
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The Language of Inclusive Education is an insightful text which considers the writing, speaking, reading and hearing of inclusive education. Based on the premise that humans use language to construct their worlds and their realities, this book i[...]![]()
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Len Barton's intellectual and practical contribution to the sociology of disability and education is highly significant and widely known. The leading scholars in this collection, including his long term collaborators, offer both a celebration an[...]![]()
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Magdalena Kohout-Diaz, Directeur de publication | Pessac : Presses universitaires de Bordeaux | Etudes sur l'éducation | DL 2018![]()
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The issue of access is at the forefront of the practical challenges facing people with learning difficulties and people working with or supporting them. This engaging text brings together evidence, narratives and discussions that question and ad[...]![]()
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Ce livre s’appuie sur le développement du M.I.E.C. (le mouvement des institutions et des écoles citoyennes). Depuis quatre ans, il fédère en Belgique des professionnels du champ scolaire et social autour de pratiques alternatives à l’école, en r[...]![]()
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As teachers around the world deal with the challenges of inclusive education, they must find effective ways of enhancing their classroom teaching methods. What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education presents teachers with a range of evi[...]![]()
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ربيع محمد, Auteur ; طارق عبد الرؤوف عامر, Auteur | عمان : دار اليازوري العلمية للنشر والتوزيع | 2008![]()
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