Conseil Supérieur de l'Education, de la Formation et de la Recherche Scientifique
Angle avenues Allal El Fassi et Al Melia – Hay Riad (RABAT-Maroc)
Tél : (+212) 05 37 77 44 25
Email: contact@csefrs.ma
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Based on extensive research, Addressing Tensions and Dilemmas in Inclusive Education presents a contemporary and critical analysis of the interaction between different perspectives and positions in the field of inclusive education. Referring [...]![]()
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En version bilingue anglais-italien, cet ouvrage propose une approche rétrospective sur l'application de la loi française concernant l'inclusion des élèves en situation d'handicap dans le système scolaire. En raison de son ancrage socio-historiq[...]![]()
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Cheryll Duquette, Auteur | Montréal [Canada] : Chenelière éducation | Didactique / Gestion de classe | 2014Si vous désirez mieux comprendre vos élèves ayant des besoins particuliers et les accompagner vers la réussite, ce guide est fait pour vous! En effet, cet ouvrage bien vulgarisé vous explique de façon concise les problématiques actuelles vécu[...]![]()
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What are the experiences of children and young people? How can we think about the challenges they face? What systems and practices can support them? How can we develop greater equality, participation and inclusion across diverse settings? This t[...]![]()
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Originally published in 1995, this book offers a crucial view of the implementation of legislation for the integration of pupils with special educational needs in EU countries at the time. The match or mismatch between the rhetoric and reality, [...]![]()
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The potential of adopting inclusive education to support learning for all is an international phenomenon that is finding its way to the Middle East and the Arabian region. Eman Gaad examines the current status of inclusive education in Arabia an[...]![]()
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This book provides new information on how various inclusion policies have been implemented in different schools and school districts in North America and in a range of European countries. The purpose of inclusion policy is to prevent the marg[...]![]()
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Mainstream schools are consistently faced with numerous and often contradictory requirements, both to achieve high results and to be inclusive and incorporate children of every ability. This title, first published in 1999, describes how one reno[...]![]()
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In this Collected Works, Professor Peter Mittler brings together twenty-one of his key writings in one essential volume, providing a distinctive commentary on some of the most important issues in education over the last thirty years. This uniqu[...]![]()
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Christina Tilstone, Auteur ; Lani Florian, Auteur ; Richard Rose, Auteur | Londre, New York : Routledge | 2016Current policy demands that mainstream schools seek to include pupils with special educational needs. This book takes a close look at how exactly this aim can be achieved by examining the various parts of the educational process. The book discus[...]![]()
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Claudine Mary, Directeur de publication ; Hassane Squalli, Directeur de publication ; Laurent Theis, Directeur de publication | Pu quebec | 2014Les préoccupations du milieu scolaire quant aux difficultés d’apprentissage des mathématiques apparaissent grandissantes, comme en témoignent les demandes faites aux chercheurs par les services éducatifs des commissions scolaires et par le minis[...]![]()
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This accessible text focuses on diversity in education and the inclusion of all children and young people in all aspects of the school or college community. It provides an introduction to policy, theory and practical strategies in relation to di[...]![]()
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Should disabled students be in regular classrooms all of the time or some of the time? Is the regular school or the special school or both the solution for educating students with a wide range of differences? Inclusive education has been incorpo[...]![]()
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The Language of Inclusive Education is an insightful text which considers the writing, speaking, reading and hearing of inclusive education. Based on the premise that humans use language to construct their worlds and their realities, this book i[...]
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